Before the days of little butane cylinders, plumbers all had one of these – a paraffin-fuelled blow torch. Now they make stunning lamps instead.
We usually have several different ones in stock, which vary in size and complexity. Price can range from £60 for a small one, to £85 for the larger or rarer ones (and just occasionally we get a massive one if you want something really impressive). Call to see what we have available.
Generally we fit a brass bulb holder (standard Edison screw type, E27 size) where the flame would come out, then when you switch on the bulb it looks like the flame is back!
With an in-line switch, and 2 metre burgundy fabric flex which complements the brass beautifully and is in keeping with the object’s era.
Choice of bulbs – or let us choose what we feels goes best with that particular model.
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